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N.B. Original route & sections revised on 01/06/2017 following reassessment on 31/05/2017. (See below ***)

03-05-2017: 2 members examined the area. The weather was cloudy, cold & damp, so no bees seen, but we agreed a transect, & registered it on the national Bee Walk site, with some section details still to be decided/recorded.
31-05-2017: We attempted our 1st 'proper' Bee Walk; a warm, pleasant day. We found it tricky but stimulating, & recorded at least 5 species + some unidentified. As expected, our handling & ID skills needed much improvement, but we were encouraged by our results! It took twice as long as estimated to walk the route, & the woodland sections produced no Bumblebee sightings, so we decided to revise the transect if possible ***.

*** As it had already been submitted online, we emailed the BBCT, & Helen Dickinson, (Surveys & GIS Officer), kindly made the revisions.

28-06-2017: Cloudy; Heavy overnight rain –few flowers open. 5 species + 6 unidentified sightings, but numbers low - nothing seen in section 4.
18-07-2017: Sunny & Very windy, but some areas well sheltered. The annual hay mow was in progress. Numbers low & only 3 species + 3 unidentified sightings were seen.
01-08-2017: Warm & Sunny, moderate wind. 6 species found + 4 unidentified, but numbers small. Nothing seen in sections 1 & 7.\
15-08-2017: Warm & Sunny / moderate wind. Good conditions but only 2 species + 2 unidentified; numbers very low & none at in sections 1, 2, 3, & 4
29-08-2017: Very warm; a little cloud. Only 2 Bumblebees seen (both B.Pascuorum in section 5). Very disappointing.
13-09-2017: Gusty & mixed sunny/cloudy conditions. A total of 6 bees observed, all Common Carder. 26-09-2017: Autumn colours now in evidence. Good conditions, calm & warm. Generally more flowers in the previously mowed area. 9 bees seen in total, 6 Common Carder, 1 White Tailed & 2 unidentified (probably Common Carder). The remaining un-mowed area of wildflower meadow had also been completely mowed!
24-10-2017: Autumn now well advanced with fallen leaves etc. Conditions good for this late stage in the season, though wind slightly gusty. Only 2 bees were seen, 1 Common Carder & 1 Tree Bumblebee. The area mowed on 18-07-2017 was now showing some flowers again, but not that mowed just before 26-09-2017.



For 2018 Northfield Bee Walks were scheduled fortnightly on Wednesdays. Members aimed to complete ONE survey walk a month, but could participate in more or less as preferred. Dates & times were always open to revision so could be adjusted if possible - & members could in any case just turn up & join in on an ad hoc basis. WE DECIDED THAT IF IT WAS RAINING WE WOULD MEET ANYWAY TO DISCUSS, STUDY & DECIDE ON ANY RESCHEDULING OVER A CUP OF TEA, ETC. The social element of these walks became an important feature.

The original (2017) transect, NORTHFIELD DA3, was reconfigured from 2018 on with 10 sections & a different start/finish point, & was hence known as NORTHFIELD DA3 8EX. (GRID REF: TQ607664; LOCATION:     Hartley/New Ash Green, Kent; OVERALL LENGTH: 1861 m; in 10 Sections).

April 4th: Our 1st walk of the year, with 3 of us participating & 3 apologies. We were expecting to see nothing given the F4 wind, predicted showers & waterlogged ground. However we were delighted to record no less than 10 bumblebees in various sections & were able to identify 4 as b.terrestris queens - the rest being too quick for us! We were also lucky enough to do the walk between the showers & thus avoided getting soaked. The Black Lion proved to be a useful base for a cup of tea & chat over what we'd done & Kerrie the proprietor is happy for us to park there.

April 18th: We were pleased to record 18 bumblebee sightings - 11 unidentified, 2 b.terrestris queens, 3 b.lapidarius queens, 1 b.pascuorum queen & 1 later confirmed as b.vestalis (Southern Cuckoo bee), i.e. 4 identified species. Also recorded our 1st 2 apis mellifera (Honey Bee) workers of the season.

May 3rd: Pouring down on May 2nd, cold & windy so our walk was cancelled & rescheduled for May 3rd, when the walk went ahead in sunny, warm & calm conditions; counted 2 b.terrestris queens, 2 b.lapidarius queens, & 3 unidentified bombus sp. + 22 apis mellifera.

May 16th: Four of us turned up, but although conditions were quite good, only 1 bombus sp. observed (in flight) + 4 apis mellifera. Although disappointing, we had fun trying to identify many of the plants which have now grown & are beginning to flower prolifically.

May 30th: A really good session. Hadn't expected too much, but we counted bumblebees in every one of our 10 sections, totaling 80 individuals, with 5 bumblebee species confirmed including 1 b.soroensis, which we'd not seen here before, & a couple of queen bees. Also counted 8 apis mellifera (Honey Bee) - surprisingly few given the bumblebee activity! Plants are now flowering in profusion & the first signs of bramble flowers were observed.

6th June: An EXTRA WALK was scheduled at short notice as most of us could not come on 13th. This was our best to date; very busy with a lot of bumblebee activity & 7 species confirmed! B.hypnorum - 1 queen & 40 workers; B.lapidarius - 46 workers; B.lucorum - 4 queens & 1 worker; B.pascuorum - 9 workers; B.pratorum - 6 workers (the 1st time we've recorded this species here); B.soroensis - 1 worker; B.terrestris - 1 queen & 4 workers; b.lucorum/terrestris workers - 33; B species not known - 1 queen & 24 workers. The total number of bumblebees recorded was 171! We also recorded 10 Apis mellifera - again this seemed low compared with the amount of bumblebee activity.


27th June: 5 of us turned up. After the recent hot spell most of the flowers seen last time were now in decline & bumblebee activity correspondingly much less; still recorded a total of 55 Bombus (19 unidentified), 5 species, + 27 Apis Mellifera & 1 unidentified bee. Pleased to find 1 B.hortorum (Garden Bumblebee) & 1 B.vestalis (Southern Cuckoo Bee). The group decided to meet at 11.00 ufn.

11th July: Our earlier start time (11.00) proved to be more convenient. On starting we found that the annual hay mow had just taken place, with only about 1/3rd of Northfield's meadow remaining unmowed. We expected bumblebee sightings to be fewer, but whilst sections 3 & 6 produced none at all, we were pleased to record a total of 67 bumblebees, including another b.hortorum (Garden Bumblebee), not common here, in S4, another b.vestalis (Southern Cuckoo Bumblebee) in S7, & our first b.rupestris (Hill Cuckoo Bee) in S8, where we also found 16 of its host species b.lapidarius. Yet again Apis Mellifera were very few, with only 3 seen!

25th July: Four of us met on this extremely hot day (26°C-33°C). Given a pronounced lack of flowers (following the accelerated growing season, extended heatwave & recent hay mow) we did not expect to see many bumblebees. We observed a total of 12 bumblebees of 4 species, but NO Apis Mellifera (Honey Bee). However it was striking that all 4 bumblebee species (& 8 of the total 12 bees seen) were present in section 7, on burdock which was in full bloom there!

8th August: Six of us gathered; a pleasantly warm sunny day with moderate wind. With the season well advanced, very few flowers were now in evidence & thus just the odd bumblebee seen - none at all in 6/10 sections - & only 1 Apis mellifera. The big surprise was S4 - mowed fortnightly for a play area - where plenty of CatsEar plants were in flower & we observed no less than 22 bumblebees, mostly B.lapidarius & some B.terrestris (& possibly lucorum), with the odd queen, plus one male b.rupestris. We felt this graphically demonstrated how well bumblebees react to & utilize the food sources available to them.

22nd August: Reasonable conditions - Cloudy, 17°C, wind force 3. However, very disappointing; relatively few flowers - no bees seen at all, not even on the plants which were in flower!

5th September: Cloudy, 14°C, wind force 3; ground damp underfoot after recent drizzle. The remaining annual hay mow (Sections 8&9) had been completed! Given these conditions, no bees were seen at all, as expected. However, we were pleased to welcome new member Caroline & looked forward to seeing her husband Frank. Despite the lack of bees, the walk was most enjoyable.

9th September: Chris made a rapid impromptu solo walk on a fine Sunday evening - sunny, wind F3 & a temperature of 21°C. Common Carders seen, 2 in S1 & 1 in S6; all on vetch flowers.

19th September: Jenny & our visiting local naturalist Chris turned up to complete the survey in unpromising conditions - temperature 20°C but recent light rain & WSW wind force 5-6. S1, S3, S4 & S10 were sheltered, but the rest exposed. However, they saw 1 unidentified bombus species on lotus corniculatus (Birds-foot Trefoil) in S1, 5 B.pascuorum (Common Carder) in S1, S3, S6 & S10, almost all on Trifolium pratense (Red Clover), & recorded 6 Apis mellifera (Honey Bee) on new Hedera helix (ivy) flowers in S10. They also noted various other plants re-flowering after the recent mows, but observed no bees on them. These were Taraxacum officionale (Dandelion), Crepis capillaries (Soft Hawksbeard), Centaurium nigrra (Hardheads) & Linum bienne (Pale Flax).

3rd October: Wind F1, 15°C, Fair/overcast. Very little in flower. 3 observers, but only 1 bee seen - B.pascuorum (Common Carder) worker on Trifolium pratense (Red Clover) in S2. Now well towards the end of the bumblebee annual cycle.

17th October: Wind F1, Cloudy, Temperature 14.5°C, air damp. 3 observers. 1 unidentified Bombus seen, in flight in S6.

31st October: Wind F3, Sunny/Cloudy, 11°C. Few flowers; edge of hedgerow trimmed 1.0 - 1.5m in S1-5 & S10, also the brambles in S5/6. No bees seen at all. BBCT recording period now ends.

2019 Northfield Bee Walks were scheduled fortnightly on Wednesdays; an easy flat walk of about a mile.
Members could complete ONE survey walk a month & participate in more or less as preferred.  

Early 2019: An unusually warm start to the year gave Britain’s warmest Feb on record to date. Bumblebees were seen as early as December 2018, & frequent in Jan & Feb 2019.
Feb 27th: First walk of the season. A sunny 16°C, Wind F1. A total of 8 bombus seen, mainly B.Terrestris (4 Queens), 1 B.Hypnorum Queen, 3 unidentified (including 1 queen), & 9 Apis Mellifera workers. Mainly on Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) which was in flower, otherwise foraging in undergrowth. A good start.
Mar 6th: With a poor forecast, early rain, cloudy, cool conditions, (11°C) & wind force 2-3 we did not expect to see any bumblebees. However 3 of us recorded 3 bombus queens, (B.Lucorum, B.terrestris + 1 unidentified queen in flight). Still little in flower except Prunus cerasifera (Cherry Plum). No honey bees seen.
Mar 20th: 4 of us turned up. 9°C, cloudy, wind F1. Just 1 bee seen, B.terrestris worker in S10. Prunus cerasifera blossom now almost finished. Blackthorn beginning to blossom.
Apr 3rd: 4 observers; 6°C, cloudy, wind F1. 14 bees in total; B.lapidarius (5 queens), B.Terrestris (4 queens + 1 caste unknown), 4 of unknown species. 11 of them on Sweet Cherry trees (Prunus Avium), now in blossom. Again NO Honey Bees. Fortunately the rain forecasted occurred later in the day.
Apr 17th: 6 observers; a sunny day, 12°C, wind F1. 71 Apis Mellifera (Honey bee) seen but only 8 bumblebees (of 2 species) - fewer than anticipated. Dandelions were abundant, with daisies in S4, but little else in flower.
May 1st: 7 observers.Sunny, 11°C, wind F1. Only 10 bumblebees seen – 1 B.lucorum 2 B pascuorum, 7 unidentified bombus (mainly in flight) + 2 Apis mellifera. The abundant dandelions seen last visit were nowhere to be seen except in the wildflower meadow area. A lot of obvious die back suggested that spraying had taken place elsewhere, & this was later confirmed by the management committee. Fine spraying of Depitox had taken place on 18th April to combat ragwort. Sadly this will be repeated next year. Field margins were treated similarly in 2016.
May 15th: 4 observers; 16°C, sunny, wind F1. Hawthorn & dogwood flowering in hedges, but virtually no plants flowering in grassy areas other than S4 (play area) & the wildflower meadow (section 8/9). Only 4 bumblebees seen - 1 unidentified in S8, 1 Carder in S9, & 2 unidentified in S10. However, 43 Apis mellifera on dogwood flowering in S9 hedge margin. We fear recent spraying has had a marked effect.
May 29th: 4 observers; 17°C, sunny, wind F2. No signs of flowers on recently sprayed areas, but the wildflower meadow had Buttercups & Hawkweed in flower. Numbers observed still low - a total of 12 B.hypnorum seen, 8 of these on Dogrose in S1, + 3 unidentified bombus & 2 Apis Mellifera. Nothing seen in sections 2,6,8,& 9.
Jun 12th: 1 Observer; 15°C cloudy, wind F1.  A 12ft wide horse riding track had been mowed next to the hedges in S1,2,3,5,10. Ox-eye Daisies & Dog Rose flowering in hedges & brambles beginning to flower. Few meadow flowers except S8 (Wildflower Meadow) with mainly buttercups & daisies. 13 bumblebees; 3 in S5, 1 in S7, & 9 (+1 Apis Mellifera) in S9. 4 species identified: B.hypnorum (8), B.lapidarius (1), B.lucorum (1), + 1 Male B.terrestris & 1 Unidentified. Light rain began 11.30 in S7.
Jun 26th:  17°C, F3, cloudy. Very few or no bees in the first 6 sections & S10 (few flowers), but sections 7-9 (woodland & wildflower meadow borders) were more productive as the wildflower meadow is now flowering well. 51 B.lapidarius & 18 B.lucorum including 7 males. 4 B.Hypnorum, 2 pascuorum & just 1 B.terrestris. Only 5 Apis mellifera Honeybees) in the whole walk.
Jul 10th:  Good observation conditions; 22°C, F2, Cloudy. Flowers & bumblebees in most sections were scarce; nothing seen in sections 1-6, except notably just one B.hortorum queen in S5 (1st sighting this year). In total 5 species were confirmed, but only 1 or 2 of each. The wildflower meadow (S8 & S9) had numerous flowers, with 18 B.lapidarius workers seen, but only 1 or 2 of 2 other species.
Jul 24th: Four of us turned up, in a very sunny 30°C & wind F2. The hay meadow areas had been mowed on 20th July! We saw no bees in S1, 2, 3 or 6. S4 & S5 sightings were all on hedgerow bindweed flowers. S4 produced just 6 bumblebees including 2 queens, & S5 had 12, including 3 queens, plus just 1 Honeybee, but did include 4 B.Hortorum. S7 sightings, all on hedgerow brambles, gave 1 unidentified, 9 Lucorum workers + 4 Apis Mellifera. As expected, S8 (wildflower meadow) produced the most bees - 7 each of B.Lapidarius & B.Lucorum, & 3 each of B.Pascuorum, unidentified bombus, & Apis Mellifera, but numbers in S9 & S10 were both low.
Aug 7th: Four recorders, F3 mixed Sunny/Cloudy 20°C. Flowers largely finished in most sections. A total of 18 bees of 6 species seen including 1 B.vestalis. None in sections 1,2,6,7 & 10.
Aug 21st: Four of us; F1, sunny, 20°C. Good conditions, but no bees seen in any section!
Sep 4th: 5 observers, F3-4, 17°C, Sunny/cloudy after recent rain. No bees seen at all.
Sep 18th: 5 observers, F1, 14°C, Sunny. No bees seen at all. Wildflower meadow  areas (S8 & S9) were mowed on Sep 9th.
Oct 2nd: 2 observers, wind F2, Sunny, 10°C. No bees seen. Virtually nothing in flower.
Oct 16th: Walk cancelled due to heavy rain.
Oct 22nd: (Extra walk). 1 observer, wind F1, Sunny, 17°C. No bees seen. Autumn apparent; leaf fall beginning. Horseriding track recently mowed (S1-5 + S10).
Oct 30th: 2 Observers, wind F 4, Sunny, 12°C. No bees seen. Last walk of the season. 2019 Bee Walk recording ended.


Northfield Bee Walks were scheduled for the SECOND Wednesday each month from March-October inclusive, meeting 11.00 AT THE BLACK LION PUBLIC HOUSE/TEA ROOMS. The March walk took place before coronavirus restrictions were implemented and walks cancelled u.f.n. Observations were continued by individual observers as part of their permitted daily exercise until restrictions were eased.

This Year's Walks:

March 11th: 1st walk of 2020. 7 Observers. Sunny/Cloudy, 12°C, Wind F3. 13 bombus seen, all queens. 9 B.Terrestris (Mainly on Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) which was in flower, & 4 unidentified queens in flight.
April 8th: Observations were made by 1 observer whilst having permitted walk for exercise during Coronavirus lockdown. Sunny, 20°C, Wind F2.  Disappointingly only 4 bees seen, all queens: 1 Buff-tailed (B.terrestris) in S4 & in S7, 1 White-Tailed (B.Lucorum) in S10, & 1 Red-Tailed (B.Lapidarius) in S10.
May 13th: 10th May conditions unsuitable, so observations were made by 1 observer whilst having permitted exercise walk during Coronavirus lockdown. Cloudy, 11°C, Wind F3. Only 1 bee seen, B.lapidarius in S7. No wildflowers other than some Meadow & Bulbous buttercups, Ranunculus acris & bulbosa; Brambles, clover & vetches still in bud.
Jun 13th: One observer. Sunny, 19°C, Wind F3. Greater numbers of Bombus seen, exclusively on bramble; they had ignored roses & hawk bits. Apis mellifera (Honeybees) seen for 1st time in large numbers. Total 44 bumblebees & 132+ Honeybees. All bees were highly active making counting difficult.
July 11th:   Due to unsuitable weather on 8thJuly the scheduled survey was carried out 3 days later. Sunny/Cloudy, 19°C, Wind F2. One observer. Over 100 bumblebees seen. Main meadow not yet mowed but no flowers obvious there, & devoid of bumblebees; all the bees in sections 1-7 were seen in hedgerows. Many B.lapidarius in the wildflower areas, on Knapweed (Centaurea nigra). Very varied with small fresh workers, large faded workers & larger fresh bees which may have included some young queens. Size variation made it difficult to distinguish older workers from young queens.
August 12th: Two observers. Sunny, 31°C, Wind F1. Rather hot for bee activities. The annual hay mow took place in the main field on July 13th & 14th, & the field hedges had also been trimmed since the last visit. Flowering was largely finished, with few visible. As anticipated, we saw very few bees; 1 apis mellifera worker in S4, plus 1 B.terrestris queen & 1 B.pascuorum worker in S5.
September 9th: Three observers. Cloudy, 19°C, Wind F1. The wildflower area had now been mowed. Almost nothing in flower except Toadflax & Birds Foot Trefoil. No Bumblebees or apis mellifera seen at all.
October 16th: Two observers. Cloudy, 7°C, Wind F1. No Bumblebees or apis mellifera seen. This year’s walks now finished.


Walks were scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday each month from March-October inclusive, meeting  11.00 at THE BLACK LION PH . Despite covid restrictions & other problems we were able to complete all the 8 monthly walks this year. Sightings were generally poor. Although weather conditions were not extreme on the walk days, few Bumblebees were seen each month. As might be expected June & July numbers were the best, although low compared to previous years, whilst no bumblebees were seen in October.

The few sightings for March, April & May were all of queens and, where the species was identified, were all B.Terrestris (Buff-Tailed), as follows:
                                                                    4 in March: (3 + 1 unidentified).
                                                                    3 in April: (1 + 2 unidentified).
                                                                    3 in May: (1 + 2 unidentified)

In June we saw 30 Bumblebees:           3 B.Lapidarius (Red-Tailed) – (2 males + 1 worker)
                                                                 13 B.Terrestris (Buff-Tailed)
                                                                   4 B.Lucorum (White-Tailed)
                                                                   1 B Pratorum (Early Bumbleee)
                                                                   1 B.Hypnorum (Tree Bumblebee)
                                                                   8 Unidentified bumblebees

In July we saw 47 Bumblebees:         18 B.Lapidarius (Red-Tailed)
                                                                20 B.Lucorum (White-Tailed)
                                                                  8 B.Pascuorum (Common Carder)
                                                                  1 Terrestris/Lucorum Worker
                                                                 … and also 1 B.Vestalis (Southern Cuckoo Bumblebee)

In August only 8 Bumblebees:              4 B.Pascuorum (Common Carder)
                                                                   1 B.Lucorum (White-Tailed)
                                                                   1 B.Terrestris (Buff-Tailed)
                                                                   2 Unidentified bumblebees

In September 7 Bumblebees:               4 B.Pascuorum (Common Carder), including 1 male
                                                                   3 Unidentified bumblebees

In October:                                                No bumblebees were seen at all.

Beside the low number of bumblebee sightings, almost no Apis Mellifera (Honeybee) were seen, with a total of just 26 for the whole year: 20 were seen in July, 2 per month in June, August & October & none at all in March, April, May, or September.

This Year's Walks In Detail:
MAR 19th (Rescheduled from 10
th): (1 observer; Time 16.24 - 17.01). Sunny, 10°C, Wind F1; 1 Bombus Queen (sp. unidentified) was seen in flight in S7, & 3 B.Terrestris (Buff Tailed) Queens observed in S8. Cherry in blossom & Hawthorn leaves appearing.
APR 21st (Rescheduled from 14th): Our first walk of the season - a full house of 6 observers turned up - just within Covid lockdown rule limits.Cloudy, 10°C, Wind F3, Time 11.10 - 12.06. 1 unidentified queen observed in flight in both S2 & S8. 10, so a grand total of just 3 bumblebees seen! However it was wonderful to be able to meet again as a (socially distanced) group. Hopefully bees will greatly outnumber observers next month.
MAY 12th: A full turnout of observers again. Weather sunny/cloudy, 15°C, Wind F2. Time 11.05 - 12.08. Conditions looked promising but again a grand total of just 3 bumblebees seen, (1 unidentified bumblebee in flight in both S3 & S4, + 1 B.Terrestris (Buff-Tailed) Queen in S8). Dandelions, buttercups & daisies have appeared in most of the meadow, May blossom was much in evidence, & the cleared bramble areas are growing back nicely, which is promising for future bumblebee activity. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the session despite the small number of bees seen.
JUN 9th: 4 Participants; Lynda very kindly stood in to record. Weather Sunny, 22°C, Wind F2. Time 11.00 - 12.20. As might be expected, a greater number of sightings this month, with 22 bumblebees of 5 species identified, plus a further 8 unidentified. However, only 2 honeybees were seen in addition. No bees were seen in sections 2, 7, 9 & 10, whilst S3, not normally prolific, yielded 13 (2 species), & S8 (wildflower meadow) 7 (3 species). The group was pleased to note that in the non-wildflower sections sprayed against ragwort in 2019, greater numbers of flowers such as dandelions have now begun to reappear amongst the grasses, giving a greater array of flowers for bees to utilize
JUL 14th: 7 Members took part. Weather cloudy, 18°C, Wind F3. Time 11.10 - 12.43. The 1st annual hay mow had recently taken place in all sections except the wildflower meadow (S8 & 9), thus there were virtually no flowers remaining in the mown sections. Apart from one White/Buff tailed worker in S4 & a couple of honeybees in S5, we saw nothing until S7, where we observed 4 white-tailed & 1 common carder bumblebees, + 3 honeybee workers, all in hedgerow brambles. As might be expected the unmown wildflower sections 8 & 9 gave a better yield, totalling 26, with 13 bees of 3 species in both sections, (18 red tailed, 3 white-tailed & 5 common carder). S10 was surprisingly productive, with 13 white-tailed & 2 common carder, plus a single male Southern Cuckoo Bumblebee, although these were all in hedgerow brambles, not the mown grass.
The number of honeybees seen has been very low so far this year, but today totalled 20. 11 of these were in S10 and the rest in S5, 7, 8, & 9.
AUG 11th:  6 Observers. Sunny, 22°C, Wind F1. Time 11.00 - 11.55. Nothing seen in S1 - S6 or S10 except 1 Apis Mellifera (Honeybee) in S5. All the bees identified were worker caste. S7 (sheltered field/woodland edge) had 1 B.Lucorum (White-Tailed Bumblebee), 1 B.Pascuorum (Common Carder) + 1 Unidentified Bumblebee which was in flight. S8 had 1 B.Pascuorum + 1 Unidentified Bumblebee. S9 had 1 B.Terrestris (Buff-Tailed Bumblebee).
In short a total of only 8 bumblebees, very disappointing given the reasonable conditions; although most hedgerow & wildflower meadow flowers are now finished & the other areas were mowed last month. Again, a pronounced lack of honeybees was noted.
SEPT 17th (Rescheduled from 8th): 2 of us were able to take part, later joined by a third member. Sunny/cloudy, 22°C, Wind F1. Time13.40 - 14.34. We did not expect to see any bumblebees today, but although this was so for sections 1 - 8, we saw 3 unidentified workers in S8, and 3 B.Pascuorum (Common Carder) (2 workers + 1 Male) in S9, with a further B.Pascuorum worker in S10, giving a total of just 7 bees seen. Again no Apis Mellifera (Honeybee). The wildflower meadow (s8 & s9) had been mown since last month, and a machine had just finished turning the hay here as we arrived.
OCT 13th:3 members arrived. Conditions Sunny, 11°C, Wind F1. Time 11.00 - 11.49. As expected no bumblebees were seen, but we were surprised to see 2 Apis Mellifera in S10. The autumn foliage was most impressive. This now completes the Northfield BeeWalks for 2021.


March 9th: Three group members turned up for our first walk of the season. Conditions were Cloudy, Wind F2, 10°C. Sadly no bumblebees or honeybees at all were seen.

April 13th: Five members appeared. Conditions were better than in March - Cloudy, Wind F1, 15°C. We saw a total of five bumblebees, all queens. 2 Buff-tailed (S1 & S7), 1 White-Tailed (S9), & 1 Common Carder (S10), with 1 unidentified in flight in S4. No Honeybees seen (Apis mellifera).

May 11th:  No walk made.

June 8th: 3 members. 18.5°C, sunny. Wind F2-3. A good day. Totals seen: 41 bumblebees of 7 species + 34 Apis Mellifera workers, 17 in S5 + 4,3,4 &6 in S1-4.
6 B.hypnorum (Tree Bumblebee) – all workers in S5.
3 B.lapidarius (Red Tailed) – 3 (1 worker in each of S1, 6 & 10)
5 B.lucorum (White Tailed) – total 5. (1 male in S5, 4 workers – 2 in S1, 1 in S5 & 1 S6
7 B.pascuorum (Common Carder) – total 7 workers (2 in S1, 4 in S5, 1 in S8).
8 B.terrestris (Buff Tailed) – 2 workers S1, 3 S5, 1 S6 + 2 unidentified caste in S2.
+ 5 workers of unidentified species – 1 in S1 & 4 in S5.
B.sylvestris (Forest Cuckoo) – 1 Female in S5. Not seen here previously.
B.vestalis (Southern Cuckoo) – 1 Female in S8.

July 13th: 3 members. 24.5°C, sunny/cloudy. Wind F 0. The non-wildflower sections had been recently mowed. Observations were done during a period of record heatwave – everywhere very dry. Brambles & flowering plants largely finished. A total of 18 bumblebees seen (4 or 5 species due to B.lucorum/terrestris workers being present).
2 B.hypnorum (Tree Bumblebee) – both workers in S2.
5 B.lapidarius (Red Tailed) – 3 Males in S8 & 2 workers in S9
1 B.lucorum (White Tailed) – worker in S7
5 B.pascuorum (Common Carder) – 4 workers (1 in S1, 1 in S2, 2 in S10) + 1 male in S2.
4 B.lucorum/terrestris workers – 2 in S2, 1 in S8 & 1 in S10.
+ 10 Apis mellifera workers were seen – 1 in S7 & 9 in S10.

August 10th: Four Members; Very sunny, Wind F2, 24°C. Hay now cleared. Everything very dry due to heatwave. Only 3 bees seen - 1 B.Terrestris Queen seen in S2 & in S5, + 1 worker (species unidentified) in S5. No Apis mellifera (Honeybees) were seen.

September 14th:  2 members. 17°C, Cloudy, Wind F 0. Wildflower meadow Hay now cleared (S8 &9). No bees seen at all.

October 12th: 4 members. 14°C. Sunny/cloudy, Wind F1. 1 worker bee seen in flight in S1.


March 21st (8th cancelled due to poor weather conditions): Temperature 13°C, wind F2-3, Sunny. Despite reasonable conditions, no bees were seen.

April 12th:  Temperature 8°C, wind F2, Sunny/Cloudy. 4 of us turned up; just 1 Red Tailed (Lapidarius) Queen & 1 Unidentified bombus seen. Wet underfoot after recent rain.

May 10th:  Temperature 16°C, wind F1, Sunny/Cloudy. 5 of us turned up but despite good conditions NO BEES were seen. Very disappointing.

June 14th: Temperature 23°C, wind F1, Sunny. 6 of us turned up. A total of 30 Bumblebees & 6 Apis Mellifera (Honeybees) were seen, all workers:
1 x B.Hypnorum (Tree Bumblebee) (S9)
7 x B.Lapidarius (Red-Tailed Bumblebee)
9 x B.Lucorum (White-Tailed Bumblebee)
4 x B.Pascuorum (Common Carder)
5 x B.Terrestris (Buff-Tailed Bumblebee)
4 x Bombus (Species Unidentified)
Only 5 Bumblebees were in S1-S5, the remainder in S6-S10

July 12th: Temperature 19°C, wind F2, Sunny/Cloudy. 6 of us turned up. A total of 71 Bumblebees & 10 Apis Mellifera (Honeybees) was seen, including 28 White Tailed, 16 Buff Tailed, 14 Common Carders, & just 4 Red Tailed. They were almost all workers, with a couple of males but no queens. For the first time we identified a Forest Cuckoo Bumblebee (S2), which was a male. There were surprisingly low numbers from the wildflower sections (S8 & S9) , whilst S10 & S7 were the most prolific, mainly due to brambles & thistles. Just 10 honeybees were seen, mainly in S10.

August 09th: Temperature 19°C, wind F0, Sunny. 5 of us turned up, + guest local naturalist Chris. Disappointingly, given the excellent conditions,  we saw only 5 bumblebees, all workers ( 2 B.Pascuorum (Common Carder), 2 B.Terrestris (White-Tailed) and 1 B.Lucorum/Terrestris worker, plus just 1 Apis Mellifera (Honeybee). The eastern side of Northfield (area adjoining S3, S5, S6, S7) had been recently mown - but not yet baled. Few plants remained in flower. S1, S2, + S8 & S9 (Wildflower meadow) remained unmown.
Later consultation with the New Ash Green parish clerk established that:
(1). The wildflower meadow,(S8, S9) has been extended 5m westward (into S10).
(2). The management of the hay meadow has been handed to a different farmer.
(3). It is planned to deal with ragwort by hand removal rather than spraying.
These are excellent developments.

September 13th: Temperature 17°C, wind F0, Cloudy. 5 of us turned up. Hay had now been mown & gathered in all sections. Just two bees seen - 1 Bombus Pascuorum (Common Carder) worker on bindweed flower in S4, & 1 Apis mallifera (Honeybee) worker in S6. The 17°C temperature, more normal for this time of year,  was a welcome change from the unseasonal late heatwave with around 30°C over the past week. Very few flowers were present,but there were a lot of certain types of fruit - mainly rose hips & acorns.

October 11th: Temperature 18°C, wind F2, Cloudy. 5 of us turned up but NO BEES were seen. Very few insects observed & few flowers. 


March 13th: Cloudy. Temperature 12°C, wind F1. Disappointing - no bees seen and no other U3A member turned up other than Chris. Local naturalist Chris Cook accompanied him to help. There are now new tree saplings planted along the edges of S1 and S2.

April 13th (April 10th cancelled):  Temperature 17°C, wind F2. Sunny/Cloudy. Just 1 B.Terrestris (Buff-Tailed Bumblebee) Queen seen in S4 and 1 in S7.

May 8th:  Temperature 14°C, wind F2. Sunny. 5 members present. Prolific buttercups, daisies and dandelions. Few bees seen. In S6 we saw 1 B.Hypnorum (Tree Bumblebee) worker and 1 unidentified Bombus, and then 1 unidentified Worker in S10. The new tree plantings in S1 and S2 are beginning to establish.

June : Temperature  °C, wind F, Cloudy

July : Temperature  °C, wind F, Cloudy

August : Temperature  °C, wind F, Cloudy

September : Temperature  °C, wind F, Cloudy

October : Temperature  °C, wind F, Cloudy